Privacy Policy

Sonoma Capital Corp. (“Sonoma”) is committed to keeping personal information accurate, confidential and secure. Your personal information is handled in accordance with this policy and all provincial and federal privacy laws and regulations including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”), Electronic Documents Act (“EDA”) and Quebec’s Law 25. 

Sonoma limits the amount and type of personal information it collects and will collect personal information only for purposes it has already identified to the client or as permitted by law.  The personal information we collect is with consent and may include things like name and address; bank account information; credit history and financial and identity information from consumer and credit reporting agencies.  We use personal information to arrange to provide credit to clients and otherwise administer our business with other stakeholders to approve/administer lending transactions, verify identity in compliance with requirements under anti-money laundering legislation and verify current and ongoing creditworthiness.

Sonoma obtains consent when or before it collects, uses or discloses personal information. Generally, we will seek consent to use and disclose personal information at the same time it collects the information. We will use or disclose personal information only for the reasons it was collected, unless consent is given to use or disclose it for another reason. Sonoma will keep personal information only as long as necessary for the identified purposes.

Under certain exceptional circumstances, Sonoma may have a legal duty or right to disclose personal information without the individual’s knowledge or consent.  We may disclose personal information without consent when required or permitted by law including: subpoenas, search warrants and other court and government orders; debt collection or demands from other parties who have a legal right to personal information; and disclosure of personal information to a lawyer (or, in Quebec, a notary or an advocate) who represents Sonoma.

Sonoma will protect personal information with safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information and will safeguard personal information in its possession or control from loss or theft and from unauthorized access, disclosure, duplication, use or modification.

The safeguards employed by Sonoma to protect personal information will vary depending on the sensitivity, amount, distribution, format and storage of the personal information. 

Sonoma will safeguard personal information in its possession or control through security measures. For example:

  • regular staff training regarding privacy and treatment of information that is used in Sonoma’s normal business practices 
  • physical security, such as secure locks on filing cabinets and restricted access to offices;
  • organizational security, such as controlled entry in data centres and limited access to relevant information; and
  • electronic security, such as passwords, multi-factor authentication, personal identification numbers and encryption.

Sonoma will use care when disposing of, archiving or destroying personal information in order to prevent unauthorized access to the information.

A client has the right to inquire as to what personal information Sonoma has in its possession and what it is being used for, a right to access that personal information and to know to which third parties Sonoma has disclosed that information. Clients may direct their requests by telephone or email to the Privacy Officer.

We have appointed a Privacy Officer who shall be accountable for our compliance with applicable privacy laws and this Privacy Policy.  If you have inquiries regarding your personal information held by us or if you wish to address a challenge regarding our compliance with this Privacy Policy, you may contact our Privacy Officer in writing at the address listed below:

PRIVACY OFFICER: Michael Dubowec – President 
TELEPHONE: 204-202-2833  

All inquiries and concerns will be fully investigated and responded to by our Privacy Officer.

This Privacy Policy is subject to applicable privacy laws and our right to change it at any time at our sole discretion.

Sonoma Capital has employed cutting-edge backend software to ensure quick adjudication and seamless deal communication between you and our credit team. If you are not connected to our trusted broker and vendor network, simply email to start the application process.

We look forward to working with you.